So, we up and sold our house and moved out to Leicester. To end the age old debate, being born and raised here, it is pronounce LES-TER. We are settling nicely into quaint country living. The house we moved into is my great-grandmother's farm house. It used to sit amid pastures grazing with cattle and old sheds, but has since been developed a bit. Sam is fulfilling his urges to work outside since we now have a workable amount of outdoor space. I am pretty sure if there was nothing to do but move around piles of dirt or grass all over the yard from here to eternity, he would do it. He loves to be outside. Since being here, he has even learned how to drive the Deere: my dad's tractor. Alas, he has only mastered the forward and reverse functions, but I have a feeling that he is on to bigger and better things.
Let me give you a tour of the new digs:
The Kitchen complete with all the necessities: running water, a stove, dishwasher, and a refrigerator. It still even has some of the original white cabinets hanging beside the sink.
There are two open entries into the dining room from the kitchen.
This is our all-purpose room: Sam's office, exercise equipment, as well as home to the kitty cats. You can see one grazing now.
And finally, our bedroom. We had a tight squeeze with our bulky furniture, but we made it work.
I also cleaned up some old windows from the house to hang on the back porch.
To celebrate our move, we had a "Farmhouse" pizza from Nona Mia and a bottle of sparkling white wine we got when we sold our house! Yum!
In other news, we have both just been working on scrapbook projects, and just this weekend, we have started reading the 2nd book in the Hunger Game series, Catching Fire. We are reading it together in preparation for the movie that is coming out this month. We also have several fun trips planned: Raleigh in March; St. Fernandina beach in April; I will travel to PA to spend Easter with my family (we will all be gathered around the same table...and it will not be for a wedding or a funeral- huzzah!), and then for our anniversary in June we are going to Charleston! So we have some exciting trips to get us through the never ending weeks of March that are apparently going to be devoid of snow. On the upside, we will be getting out of school early this year!
Sam's update: Don't have much time to type - I've got dirt to shovel. Seriously. Making a flower bed, filling in holes, digging up rocks, planting grass. Got poison ivy! Got the garden going. Planted peas, all types of greens, carrots, and beets. I need to plant another run of those. We will see what happens. We've had a good bit of rain lately, so that should help. When it's rainy out, I enjoy watching the shows Ax Men and Coal on Netflix. About lumberjacks and coal miners. One word: amazing. I'm a bit sad that they took Young Rider's off the instant queue. If you aren't familiar with that show, it was on in the 90s and about Pony Express Riders. I'm pretty torn up about it. I had just finished season 2. Well, that's about it. I'm off to do a snow dance.
Delilah says "Home is wherever I'm with you."