It's hard to believe that it is fall already, but you don't have to look at the calendar to figure that out! The leaves are quickly changing, the mornings are brisk, the sky is clear blue, and there are apples and pumpkins right and left. And, the best way you know it is fall is that the Summers have their falls display up! We are big fall lovers...LITERALLY. We began dating in the fall FIVE years ago, and just today, we relived our first date at Ultimate Ice Cream where I wooed Sam with my talk of high school heavy metal music, and he wooed me with his talk of college debauchery. Somehow it just worked...he met me the next evening for a viewing of the Montford Park Players, Much Ado About Nothing. He was actually super worried about meeting me because he thought I was going with two guys, John and Christian. Nevertheless, he showed up and found out that Christian was a girl, and here we are today: FIVE years later...and so is Ultimate Ice Cream-YUM! Ok, so a little walk down memory lane. There is something about the fall that just makes you nostalgic. Apple cinnamon doughnuts anyone?
Since the last time we posted, I finished 2 summer online classes and got accepted to graduate school. So, back to school for me! I am attending Western Carolina's Communication Science Disorders program full- time, and I am loving it so far! I am learning so much, and the professors are so welcoming. I even enjoy doing the school work (dork). The toughest part for me is the drive; it seems to get longer and longer. Luckily, I hooked up with a carpool three days a week which helps on gas, makes the time go by faster, and gives me a chance to study. I am currently enrolled in a phonetics course which teaches me IPA; Introduction to Audiology which teaches me about the anatomy of the ear, disorders, and how to perform hearing tests for hearing loss; Fluency Disorders which teaches me about stuttering assessment, diagnosis, and treatment; and Articulation and Phonology which teaches me about errors in articulation and phonological process theory, assessment and approaches to treatment. I'm really geekin' out over it and come home with a new interesting tidbit daily. For example, did you know that the animal that has an ear that most closely resembles a human's ear both anatomically and functionally is a chinchilla? I also have to say that I have an AMAZING husband that affords me this opportunity and totally supports me...he also occasionally serves as my guinea pig (switchin' gears from chinchillas) and lets me probe his ears and give him oral peripheral exams. Yay!
My other great accomplishments for the summer were finishing the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy which I totally recommend if you like strong female characters, mystery, and don't mind a little gore and edginess. It is totally something I wouldn't have typically went for, but I wound up loving it! I also did tons of canning and preserving of our beautiful, bountiful garden this year. This is the first year I have been confident in the ability to use the pressure canner without being under the supervision of someone more seasoned (AKA the moms). In the Summers' pantry are: green beans, soup, marinara sauce, salsa, ketchup, barbeque sauce, and peach butter. In the freezer are: loaves of zucchini bread, several squash casseroles, zucchini lasagna, sugar snap peas, kale, blackberry jam, and green peppers. While the gardening season seems to wear on me by late summer, I sure do love the taste of summer throughout the winter time! I am hoping to also do something with pumpkins and apples, time and energy allowing of course.
To top the summer off, Sam and I made a short trip to Charleston to stay at a bed and breakfast we got a Groupon for. It was really nice! We really did just relax on this trip, going to the beach during the day and piggin' out on good food at night. Funny story- I will call it Sam's chocolate cake hissy fit: So we went to a restaurant the first night we were there, and our waitress recommended a place for dessert. Well, since we were currently partaking in dessert, we decided we would go to this place the following night. All day Sam salivated over a big piece of chocolate cake, saying how he was going to eat the whole piece over and over again. Well, we arrive at this place the next evening after walking around post dinner, and we see that the pieces are HUGE. I suggest that we share a piece, and Sam looked at me like he was insulted. He was actually mad. I finally convince him to share a piece of cake with me, and if he wants more, he can get another piece afterwards. Well, he didn't take but two bites, and he said he couldn't eat anymore and started whining that he was sooooo full after all that! Hurumph! Our one excursion was a paddle boarding tour around an estuary. We learned about oysters and other animals in inlets and got to practice our balancing skills. Neither one of us fell in! It was fun, and I do believe we would do it again.
In other news, my mom got a puppy for her birthday. He is a little shi tzu puppy named Augustus Theodore Plemmons, Gus for short and more suited to his actual size, all four pounds of him. He is lively and will bite anything in his path! He is pretty cute, though, and fun to play with. We have only briefly introduced him to Delilah and Weezy seeing as how they are literally 3 times larger than him and much scarier! Maybe when he is a little older and not so rambunctious and wearing safety goggles will we give them a proper introduction. My "little" brother also made it into town for a visit. We had a good time and enjoyed seeing him. Among the things that we did while he was here were hiking, bowling, and badminton. I also cooked him an Indian meal to show off my cooking skills from my class last fall.
Speaking of badminton. I don't know why we waited so long into the summer to bring it out, but it is ON at the Summers' household. Badminton everyday rain or shine. It is really a fierce competition. I don't know what the actual score is, but we have played nearly everyday since late July. We tied it up tonight. We'll report in on the next blog to let you know the official score...
I'll leave you with a picture of the garden and the cool "thing" I built using locust posts and an old window from our house. Did I already post this? Oh well.