Avast ye swarthy scallywags! We have set sail on a great adventure with our hearts, two cats, and a four pack of toilet paper. We are gettin' hitched and bought a house. It's not just any ol' hitchin' or any ol' house. We will periodically be updating with house pictures and wedding in
The house is an old 1920's Saltbox house. A retired sea captain lived there and transported it down from Cape Cod. I have heard that his ghost often comes to say hello and you can often smell sea smells or his pipe smoke on the front porch. It is a four bedroom, two bath house with lots of character, but it does need a little cosmetic work.
Our first project was to paint the bathroom. This is after we painted and put down Wonderboard in the bathroom and laundry room for tile, which was grouted today. The trimwork still needs to be touched up too.
WE'VE RUN AGROUND!!! Not really. That's just the clawfoot tub that goes in the green bathroom. Prepare for ultimate bubble baths and fingers and toes that resemble prunes. This classy feature pretty much sold the house. Side note: do not fret, the yellow walls are pretty high on our list of things to do!
There be fair winds ahead, me hearties!
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