On the most epitomizing of rainy days, we are overcoming the blase to blog. We realize that our last blog was a little anti-climatic since most already knew about the wedding. Woo we got married, big whoop. That wasn't news to you. What is exciting is that yesterday was our three month wedding anniversary. We marked it, as usual, by going to Mountain Java. Needless to say that we are perfectly content and enjoying every minute of each other's company.
It has been a very rainy weekend. We watched an "oldie-but-goodie" this weekend, Multiplicity. I was hoping that I would see Andy McDowell this weekend at my yoga class because she co-starred in that very epic film. Needless to say, it is ironic that we watched that movie this weekend, and that it is raining; for our life is definitely alluding to both. The animals in our life seem to be multiplying inside and out. We have a new addition to the family; my dog I picked out, and named, when I was in seventh grade, Priscilla Briana. Similarly, there seem to be cats multiplying outside. As we look out the window right now we can spot 6 cats. Paired with the rain, it is resembling Noah's Ark around our house.

We just drove down to see the French Broad River because word on the street is that it is up to nearly 16 ft. over its normal level. Or it will be later on. We live near the river so it was easy to leave our dinner on the stovetop and quickly drive down there for a "looksee". Perhaps a possiblity of a flood...which, in the back of my mind, I am always thinking no school! These are current pictures of the river. It is near capacity...maybe has about 6 inches to a foot left on its banks.

The park that is right down from our house, which was under water a few years back, is on its way to being underwater again. This is its sidewalk.

In other news I have decided to start a yoga licensure program. It is a nine month program that will require me to go one weekend a month. My first weekend is in October. By weekend, I pretty much mean all weekend. I also have a lot of reading to do for my classes. I have 10 different books I have to buy. I have already started reading...and while the philosophy is somewhat contrary to my beliefs, and in some regards over my head, I still find it interesting. The philosophy is moreso founded in the Hindu religion. While I am not practicing yoga for religious purposes, I can still appreciate the history and the good/kind intentions behind the Hindu religion. I think that most teachers or yogis presently (in the USA at least) practice yoga because of its many health benefits, both physical, mental, and emotional. Here is a link to the details of the program: Yoga program. I needed something to focus the next year of my life on, and since I can't start the Master's progam that I am interested in until next fall, why not focus on a personal interest?? Plus I think that it would be interesting to teach and deepen my practice of yoga.
We have finally completed our fall display(as pictured above). We are pretty proud of it. I have also been pricing beanie babies, another inheritance from my parent's move. They dropped of several (12-13) containers of my stuff. At least three of which were beanie babies from back in the day. They are still worth something, but unfortunately not much. I am going to ship off 204 of them tomorrow to a vendor that buys beanie babies...for .50 cents each. I have a few select others that may be worth a little more that I will probably try to sell on Ebay. Too bad we couldn't retire on my wealth of beanie babies. That craze was apparently just a phase. Who knew? If only we didn't have to work and could soley pursue personal enrichment.
Speaking of which, Sam whipped out the banjo this weekend and is watching You Tube videos in an attempt to learn clawhammer banjo. Apparently the difference is that you hold your hand in the shape of a claw while you strum, while in traditional bluegrass banjo you pick with individual fingers. I had to have him explain and demonstrate this for me. He is doing pretty good. Maybe on those long weekends while I am at yoga, he can perfect this skill. In other Sam news, he recently suffered a severe setback when he learned that it is illegal to raise chickens and/or bees in Woodfin, unless they are 100 ft from the nearest house. Perhaps when we move to our farm, his dreams can come true.
On top of all that has been going on, we have both been sick. We can now say that we are survivors of the swine flu and it does not deserve all the attention that it has gained. While it wasn't pleasant to be congested, achey, and feverish, it doesn't seem to be life-threatening. At least not threatening to adults with well-developed immune systems... Sam is still getting over a pretty mean cough though which has caused us a few nights of interrupted sleep. (While we didn't go get diagnosed at a doctor's office we are pretty sure it was some form of the swine. Health experts are saying that any flu like symptons arising right now are probably some strain of the swine flu as it is not flu season...plus it is something contractable that seems to be going around.) But Sam's cough is another story. He claims he has a "lung condition", but he makes these gross hacking sounds before spitting up phlegm. I'm pretty sure the noises have nothing to do with his lungs, but have to do with him sucking phlegm down from his nose to the back of his throat. (By the way, he's helping type this ;)He sounds like an old man that swallowed a shi-tzu.
In future updates we hope to share a photo blog of our adventures in Spain con narration. We also hope to share our five year plan with you, which we both drew illustrated timelines of last night!
October will be a busy, but exciting month for us. For one, we are having a Halloween party and dressing Delilah, Weezy, and Prissy up as the Three Amigos!
May the "oink" not be with you.
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