I know we promised this earlier, but life has been crazy lately. For example, Kellie came home today to a dying bird in the front yard and a half eaten mole on the porch. The bird was later carried away and killed by a feral cat
just as Kellie stepped outside. On top of that, I have a literal pain in my neck, weeds in the garden, and the possibility of Kellie's Hoodfinite (Woodfin + Hood) students who might try to steal my basil plants on the porch because Kellie kicked them out of her class. And Kellie spilled yogurt in her new car, got a bruised hand trying to clean it up, and her back just about went out on her. Oh summer, will you ever arrive? May is the hardest month. But, on the bright side, we got to see our dear friends Mathew and Becca married and many man dear friends who came in for the wedding. Anyway, as promised: a pictoral tour of our relaxing vacation.
I'm not even going to lie to you. We are addicted to coffee. We started off every day with a cup o' joe and a jaunt on the beach.

Kellie sometimes did cartwheels. That yoga sure is paying off.

Not so much for Sam's attempts...

This was a really beautiful church. St. John the Baptist I think was the name.

Sam in front of Flannery O'Conner birthplace.

Cool old graveyard.

Sam in front of the Pirate's House. a pirate tavern. There were real pirates here. Seriously. Just look at the one wearing glasses in the picture.

Sam with Capt. Jack Sparrow. We totally snuck into this totally free pirate tour at the Pirate's House.

Sam and some wench he picked up in the Pirate's House.

Kellie the Waving Girl of Savannah.

Capt. Summers

And his wife...
We are not lost.
We just needed some ice cream.

Savannah at night.

See any ghosts?

This is the Mercer-Williams house, where the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" takes place. A murder happened in this house in the lower left front room. Someone was shot with a Nazi luger. It is a GREAT book. A must read if in Savannah.

Sam being Forrest Gump where the movie was filmed. Life is like a tee-shirt with Chief Sitting Bull on it: Awesome.

Sam's folks. Ah happiness.

Sam in a bee hive. What?

Savannese Wisteria.

And the end. Sadly, it came to an end way to fast. But we had a great time! Look for better and more frequent posts this summer!
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