I'll try to make this short on words since there are so many pictures.
Day before yesterday, Kellie, Mark, and I went to Craters of the MoOn National Park. Contrary to popular belief, it was created due to the volcanic activity in these parts, not a meteor.

We climbed to the top of a volcano and it looked like this. As you can see, we are some hot lavas.

Caaaareful...caaareful! Kellie descends the hill with the grace of a ballerina. It was steeper than it looks.

"Hey, let's go explore an Indian cave where the Shoshone Indians stayed on their migration routes."

We scampered over rocks, through nooks and craneys. We didn't need a light because every so often there was an opening in the roof. The cave went on and on and on.

It was crazy. But I eventually found the end.

This is Kellie exiting the cave, but she kinda looks like she's been trapped in a hole or something.

"Man, I'm hungry. Being lost on the moon makes me hungry. I'm so hungry, I could eat a radioactive hamburger. Where can I get one of those?"

"Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about."

This is what you look like after you eat an atomic hamburger.

The next day, Kellie and I went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was freezing on the Teton pass.

A funny story is: Kellie read in the guidebook about a 2 mile hike around Lake Jenny in the Teton National Park. I think to myself, "Two miles? That's nothing. We won't even need water." Well, we take off without food or water, right into the Tetons. We expected to see a big bear at every turn. But only saw a beaver and a marmot. And some oversized gerbil, called a pika. Several hours later, we are like "Man, we are nowhere near even a fourth of the way around this lake." We were heading to Hidden Falls. If you remember, the motto of the trip is "We're here. Let's do it." So despite being without food or water, we trek on. And on and on and on. Finally coming to the waterfalls.

Definitely worth it, but we were bushed. And thirsty.

Ok, we saw the falls. Time to go back right? Wrong. Inspiration Point is only 1/2 a mile up the mountain. No way we can miss that. "We're here. Let's do it." Just don't fall off the mountain.

Made it. And she looks inspired!

Elevation: 7200 ft.

End of the story: We start heading back. Pursued by big ravens who are seeking us out because they know we are hungry, thirsty, tired, and can't make it much farther. We finally make it back to the car. All told, we probably hiked at least 6 miles with no food or water. Then we drove to Jenny Lodge, which is supposed to be the best food of any national park. We arrive at 1:35. What time do they stop serving lunch? 1:30.
Thankfully, we had some peanut butter, bread, and bananas in the car. Like I always like to say, it's good to be prepared. We lived. Lesson learned.
This is a cool old pioneer cabin in the Tetons.

And here are the Tetons. We couldn't stop staring.

We made it back to Jackson Hole. I ate some Huckleberry ice cream, and all was once again right with the world.

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