So here we are: the home stretch. 39 weeks. However, it all still seems surreal. When Sam and I are eating dinner, we always have the conversation about how pretty soon we are going to look over and have a third person in our house, assuming we get to eat dinner. Basic tasks this month have become more difficult. I had to give up cleaning the shower due to the belly (darn!). I also had to move a stool into the kitchen for when I am cooking. The weight really has started to take a toll as evidenced by the fact that when I step on a board or sit in a chair it creaks exponentially louder than it used to. I have also had a little swelling in my ankles, feet, and a little in my face (my lips sometimes look like I have had botox injections upon waking), which all just started this week. There was also a period of about a week and a half where I had a pinched nerve in my right shoulder blade. That was probably the most uncomfortable I have been. Icing it seemed to do the trick temporarily, though. It eventually worked its way out, and it now only happens intermittently. All in all, though, I can say that I don't feel miserable, and that being pregnant isn't as bad as I expected. I have actually enjoyed it, and I am going to miss it. Henry is still in the head down position, and his head is very low says the doc. This past Tuesday, I went to my weekly doctor appointment and was told that I have dilated 1.5 cm and am 70% effaced. The welcoming may not happen today, but my body is definitely moving in the right direction! He is now fully cooked and could make his debut any time!
Belly Check! It has really popped out there this month!
37 weeks |
38 weeks |
39 weeks | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shower 1: We have had some busy times March through April. In early March, with snotty noses and all, we traveled to Raleigh to spend time with friends and have our first official celebration for baby Summers. We got to check out Yellow Dog Bread Company, a bakery owned by our friends Matt and Tanya, which opened back in the late summer. Very Impressive! We stayed with our gracious hosts Chris and Oksana and ate delicious food.
Sam holding Addy- showered with real babies! |
Shower 2: In March, we also had a baby shower thrown by my friend Christian with assistance from my mom. It was really nice. There was yummy food, good company (my brother, Mark, and his fiance, Sarah, made a surprise appearance from Washington, DC), fun games (guess how big my belly is...everyone always overshoots), and we were blessed with many gifts.
Shower 3: Some of the gals I go to school with at WCU threw a shower at school, too. It was very nice as well.
Opening the quilt Sam's Mom made for Henry |
Shower 4: We also had a shower thrown by friends of Sam's parents in Haywood County. It was lovely, and we again were blessed with so much.
We have been awestruck by the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone, and we are comforted to know that Henry will not only be loved by his parents and family, but by a community of people as well.
And Sam got me a Kindle for being his baby momma! He is so thoughtful! I love him!

So what to do with all of this loot? We have been busy putting the last organizational touches on Henry's room. I can now say that after a final run to Babies R Us yesterday, we are ready. Through this process, I was shocked to learn that baby clothes have just as many tags and fasteners as the toys do. If you have ever been a victim of opening even a Barbie doll for a kid, you know what I am talking about. I think I clipped tags off of clothes for over an hour before finally getting them in the washing machine. I was, however, really excited to try a new homemade washing powder that I had made. All things now are in there rightful, for-the-time-being-places, as I am sure they won't be for very long once our new roommate arrives. Below are pictures of the room. The theme is woodland creatures with a focus on foxes. Pictured are bookshelves made by Sam and painted by me, a mosaic and and owl pillow made by mwah, an afghan made by Sam's cousin, and a banner made by my mom.
A banner made by my mom |

March also brought March Madness. Sam and I filled out brackets again this year. While no one's bracket hit the nail on the head because of the crazy upsets, my bracket won again. However, neither one of us correctly predicted either team that ended up in the championship game. Our bet this year was no matter who one, we were going to have a France night and make cronuts. So, neither one of us lost on that one. We made french onion soup, kale salad, and cronuts! Cronuts, for those who do not know, are croissant donuts. They are made out of puff pastries, baked, fried, glazed and sprinkled with cinnamon. AMAZING!

A few weekends ago, we finished up our baby basics classes. We learned about natural methods of pain management for labor and delivery, c-sections, and postpartum care. We also went on a hospital tour of the delivery room and mother-baby units, both of which were very nice. When we were in the delivery room, we had a scary thing happen, however. I began to feel weak, then light headed. I told Sam I needed to sit down, and after that, I don't remember what happened. He said that I said I was going to lay on the bed, began to shake, and then I fainted. Luckily, he caught me, and the nurse giving the tour helped him get me into a chair and got me a cold washcloth. I came to quickly, but it was still really scary. I felt a little funny afterwards, but much better after I had eaten something. At my next doctor's appointment I asked about it, and the doctor told me it was probably due to low blood pressure and standing on my feet in one spot for too long. That has happened two other times, both of which occurred when I was drying my hair, so that makes since about it being linked to standing for too long. Since then, I have limited my standing and taken a seat when the opportunity presents itself.
Check out Sam practicing his swaddling technique! |

On a sadder note, we had to say goodbye to out cat Wheezy this week. She was the sweetest cat we could ask for and made the cutest bird noises. She has been battling a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease or lymphoma for a year and a half. At her healthiest, she weighed 11.5 lbs. When we took her to the vet this week, she weighed 7 lbs. Prednisone was no longer abating her symptoms, and she couldn't satiate herself and was always hungry. The vet said if it was a disease she might have another year, but if it was cancer, she may only have another 1-2 months. We are sure that we made the right decision, however hard it was. Her quality of life was suffering. We bought a peace plant today to memorialize her. She is at peace now. Consequently, we are also worried about Delilah. We are sure that she will grieve the loss of her companion, and we are not sure how she will adjust to a new baby. We have been trying to shower her with extra love.
In loving memory of Wheezy.
May you leap through fields of catnip, having unlimited snuggles, and always have a fresh can of tuna to eat!
So, the week has been pretty rough. Difficult decisions had to be made on top of the last week of classes. I finished up the week with an exam, a presentation, a take home final, and finishing up my clinic hours at the skilled nursing facility and completing my paperwork. All of this on top of a few not so great nights of sleep, a sick kitty, and a doctor appointment. Whew, so glad to have another semester behind me. Now, to relax and await Henry.
Thankfully, Sam and I have gotten to enjoy a cleaning-free weekend and relax a little. Our parents teamed up and cleaned our house from top to bottom for us last week! That was a big help and allowed us a little time to enjoy ourselves. I got to read in the hammock today. The weather has been really nice. We have really been savoring time with each other. We know that it will be different when little one is here, a good different, and that this is a journey that we are embarking on together, which is exciting for us! The next blog will be an introduction of Henry to the world!
A note from Baby Daddy:
While my wife's been growing a baby, I've been growing kale, peas, spinach, lettuce, carrots, and onions. Killing four tomato plants my friend Andrew brought me. Although I blame the crazy storms we had on those. Trying to get all my chickens in a row so I don't have many projects going when Henry arrives. And missing my sweet Wheezy. I've been reading Romeo and Juliet with the kids at school lately, and I had the thought, that I've had before, that I really wouldn't want to be a teenager again. But being a grown up can be pretty hard at times, too. I'd say making the decision to say goodbye to Wheezy was one of the hardest I've ever had to make. But I am thankful for the time we had with her.
In looking ahead to Henry, well, I'm really looking forward to him getting here. I don't really think the past nine months have flown by. I've really been trying to pay attention to each day, and frankly, time is going slow right now waiting on Henry.
I've also been transferring some old VHS tapes to DVD that have some Summers Home Videos from 1989-1995 and some of my Dad's from 1951-81. The one's from my Dad are old silent 8mm film that was projected, then recorded onto VHS. They are pretty neat and have my Dad when he was younger, and my great-grandparents on them. Seeing them was awesome. It was like I got to meet them. The videos of me are not so silent. My debonair southern accent inundates listeners with my genteel southern charm. Everybody knows that the word "there" has at least three syllables. I'm pretty sure my wife is really swooning over not only how cute I was, but also, if these videos are any indication, how cute and awe-uh-some Henry will be.
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