In January, we tried to beat the winter blues by getting out and about a bit. Henry had swim lessons, and discovered that he is quite good a swimming. Charlie stole my sandwich. Sam turned the big THREE EIGHT. Between these events there may have been a case of pink eye and the croup going around our house.

In February, Henry began karate. We had 2 back-to-back occurrences of stray dog drama. There was apparently a warm enough day for Henry to run around without a shirt on outside. Charlie wore too small glasses. Happy Valentine's Day. And SURPRISE! a positive pregnancy test! There were probably also random cold viruses and unexplained fevers going around, too.

March was a horrible month. I felt like utter crap. The first trimester was relentless. I actually lost weight. It pretty much looked like this:
I threw up 8 times the day after my birthday. Somehow, Henry did karate and swimming lessons which took up 4 nights a week, and had his Spring Sharign event. We also went to the Biltmore House. I think Sam went to Texas, too, but that is a tale for him to tell.

The first half of April was still pretty rough. The second half, the yucks began to gradually get better with mixes of good and bad days. Henry continued to do karate and earned his yellow belt! We celebrated Easter, went to Launch, and the Nature Center. Henry started soccer. We also had KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIONðŸ˜

All and all the boys are a hot mess of sweetness. They love to play- ALL THE TIME- and with each other, too! It is really sweet to see their relationship grow and how much they love each other. The other day, which they were watching something, I caught Henry looking at Charlie and rubbing his hand. Yesterday, while Henry was at school, Charlie said "Henry is my best brother. Let's turn around and go get him." SO PRECIOUS. Charlie is really into Paw Patrol, watching and playing. He has an incredible memory for songs, doesn't like to wear shorts (or listen). He has some big changes coming in the next 6 months: getting rid of paci, changing rooms, potty training, big boy bed, and a new baby! He will also start 2 half days of preschool in the fall. Henry is really into pirates and legos. We have also begun learning to read which is going pretty well. He also may do swim team this summer- he seems to really love it. It is the first thing I have seen him want to really work hard for.

Sam's Adventures Out West
For Spring Break, Kellie and Henry were in school, so I was able to go out to Texas with my parents to see some family. First we stopped by Fort Smith, Arkansas to see the courthouse where my great-great grandfather, Ed Steen was tried for murder, bootlegging, and larceny. Thankfully, he was acquitted. I was able to read the transcript of the trial(s), and they were fascinating. He was involved in a semi-famous feud resulting in a gun battle with a US Marshal and a posse in Indian Territory. The transcript of the trial is more exciting than a novel. Standing in the jail and courtroom where he was counts as one of the coolest experiences ever. It would have been incredible to have known him.
For Spring Break, Kellie and Henry were in school, so I was able to go out to Texas with my parents to see some family. First we stopped by Fort Smith, Arkansas to see the courthouse where my great-great grandfather, Ed Steen was tried for murder, bootlegging, and larceny. Thankfully, he was acquitted. I was able to read the transcript of the trial(s), and they were fascinating. He was involved in a semi-famous feud resulting in a gun battle with a US Marshal and a posse in Indian Territory. The transcript of the trial is more exciting than a novel. Standing in the jail and courtroom where he was counts as one of the coolest experiences ever. It would have been incredible to have known him.
We also were able to find his tombstone in Denison, TX.

The passage my Choctaw ancestors came through to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

The passage my Choctaw ancestors came through to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.
We had a great time visiting cousins in Arlington. Seeing family in Coleman. Eating at Underwoods. We went to Gatesville to see where my great grandparents lived and visited more cemeteries. In Waco we stopped by the Texas Ranger Museum.
That about wraps it up for my adventures.
The rest of summer holds some pretty exciting times. Getting the house ready for #3, beach trip, probably some other exciting adventures, a baby bump growing.
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