After deciding that a blog update was way past due, we "argued" over the title of the blog. Sam thought that the blog should be titled "You are the nose, I am the Booger" which was inspired by the cold season (and our love). This endearing little metaphor sprouted one day and we had a few laughs over it. Well, we didn't actually "argue" (but as you see Sam won). November was a speedy month. I wish that I could transfer the tryptophan in all of the turkey I ate into the days to make them go slower, instead of my body. But that is the beast of the winter; it draws you indoors, but then entices you with all of these good(but very unhealthy) food options.
Speaking of food, at the beginning of November Sam and I decided to experiment with a detox diet in preparation for the upcomming holidays. For 4 whole days we ate no refined sugars, grains, animal fats, dairy, coffee. I have never realized how much I love cheese in all of its glory! It was a grueling test of self-restraint. I am speaking for myself (and from what I observed for Sam) when I say that I did not cheat. After the detox we can testify that we had more energy and our bodies felt cleaner. It is proof that what you put into your body affects more than just your taste buds. However, knowing that this was indeed good for us, we agree that we could not maintain this diet all the time, but that it would be a good quarterly endeavor to keep the body cleansed.
I have now had my November and December yoga weekends. The detox diet was partially inspired by my November yoga weekend. We talked a lot about how the intestines have to process foods as toxins (sugars, caffeine) and that exacerbates lower back pain. This was particularly interesting to me because every once in a while my lower back becomes irritated, which I also learned could be attributed to SI (sacroiliac) problems. Needless to say, I am learning a lot about the body besides just yoga. I am feeling very fulfilled by this holistic view of the body and health and find it all very interesting. I have also been practicing yoga pretty much everyday and it is becoming a very beneficial staple in my life. This weekend we were exposed to some different types of yoga: Anusara and Iyengar. I got to assist in a class today and give adjustments to help people get more fully into poses and relax.
Kicking off the holidays, we spent Thanksgiving Day with Sam's parents. We ate a very yummy lunch, watched a good part of Home Alone (Christmas classic ::hands to cheeks:: AHHHHH!), went to get a Christmas Tree, toted it back to Asheville, then went to see the gingerbread houses at Grove Park Inn. The Saturday after Thanksgiving we ate at my parents. What a way to kick start the holiday festivities. Sam and I have also been decorating for Christmas. We have a very lovely, tall Christmas tree. Our high ceilings allowed us unrestraint in considering the perfect Christmas tree. Consequently our sights were a bit ambitious. If our tree was any taller, we wouldn't have room for the star at the top. As the tree comes, so do the presents. Obviously Amazon's people deal directly with Santa's people and then UPS delivers; it is amazing. Unfortuantely for Sam, his Christmas list has more than quadrupled after having married into a rather large family of 13 and growing.
We are glad to welcome a new baby girl to the family: our 5th neice, Eden Sage Quinn-Plemmons. In a few weeks we are planning on traveling up that way to meet her. We will be leaving the Friday school gets out for break then driving to Raleigh to stay with Matt and Tanya. The next day we will begin our journey up north, first stopping in Williamsburg, V.A. for a night to enjoy the colonial Christmas ambience. From there, we will make our way up to Kennett Square, P.A. (outside of Philly) for a few days before returning to A-ville the day before Christmas Eve.
Sam's thoughts: Well, I have also been doing yoga. In fact, for every yoga pose I do, I eat one homemade gingerbread cookie. It's the craziest thing, I've been getting muscular and fat at the same time. I love gingerbread cookies. A lot. I made some yesterday when I went to visit my folks during the "snow." I had a blast. I love gingerbread cookies. A lot. I even brought some back for the wife to have. But she better hurry because I'm getting hungry. She made a few herself from some dough we saved. She made one in the shape of a cat. What's that about? It was skinny, unlike Delilah or Weezy. So I'm going to pretend the cookie looks like Muffin. I've had to... I mean gotten to spend a lot of time with Delilah and Weezy this weekend. Weezy keeps drinking all the water out of the Christmas Tree stand. What's that about? Well, I guess the only other noteworthy thing I've done is put up Christmas lights. It was a very fulfilling experience.

Most pirates have parrots on their shoulders. Kellie has a cat. MeeoRRRG!

Chickens smoochin!

Kellie is participating in "No-Shave-November"

MMMmmmm...COOOKIESSS!!! That's me on the left after eating gingerbread cookies. I am directly in proportion to Delilah who is in the middle, who is directly proportional to the size of our house. Which is on the right.

What's that about?

We tried to put together a puzzle. Delilah didn't approve. Hence the name "Delilah, Destroyer of Worlds" and apparently, puzzles. What's that about?
We bought 1/4 of a cow. It was sketchy because we had to pick it up in the middle of the night in some darkened Erwin High School parking lot from a guy named Billy Joel. Or Joe. He also asked us to bring our own cooler. What's that about?
Kellie practicing the difficult yoga pose: Cat suffocating Human. What's that about?
The tub Pre-redo. New pics on next blog!
De-tox is hard. WHat's that about?
Stay safe and warm! Happy Holidays!
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