Pennsylvania vs. North Carolina

Our Christmas break started off a little flaky. We didn't know if we were heading for Raleigh or Kennett Square, P.A., because of the tremendous snow storm that just so happened to grace us with its presence. Our original odyssey had been as follows: Raleigh to visit with Matt and Tanya to spend the night, then up to Williamsburg, V.A. to spend a night and bask in the history, then up to Kennett Square, P.A. to get a glance at the new niece and to savor some family time. Consequently, nature had other plans for us. We woke up Friday morning to a pleasant surprise: the first major snow of the season and NO SCHOOL! (::highfive::). On the other hand, it did throw a wrench in our plans. We had a decision to make, and we had to make it fast (picture the suspenseful movies with less than 60 seconds until the bomb goes and you have to decide between the girl, or unidentified passengers on a bus). We were either going to leave out, reversing the order on our trip, heading west, then north. Or, we would be stuck in Asheville because of how fast the snow was sticking. We decided to chance it and headed out on the interstate towards Tennessee. By this time, the snow had been falling and sticking for at least an hour. The ride over the mountain before Johnston City, T.N., was incredibly shady and left us with an almost ulcer. I think we made the right decision, though. Once we got past Johnston City the snow turned to rain, then cleared up because we were ahead of the storm. But it did chase us all the way up to P.A. and it definitely didn't make traffic matters tolerable. This all-of-a-sudden major snow storm put people in a panic, and how unfortunate for us, we reached the outskirts of Washington around rush hour. We (and especially Sam) will always remember the "good" times we were stuck in traffic in Washington, and on the way back down in Baltimore. Once we reached Kennett Square (which is on the outskirts of Philly), we were good to go. We saw the weather, and by the time we had arrived it had already snowed 3 or so inches in Washington (if that gives you any idea of how hot on our trail the storm was). It may not sound like it, but our trip was really touch-and-go there at the start.
After arriving at Tim's (my brother who lives up there) it was nothing but play, play, play. We really enjoyed playing with our nieces. Saturday we went sledding and decorated a gingerbread house. Sunday we went sledding some more, did some kid's yoga, and went to Longwood Gardens to gaze at the beautiful Christmas lights. Longwood gardens is a piece of preserved land dedicated to botany and beauty. They have seasonal displays and an indoor hub where they host different environments that grow region specific plants: Longwood Gardens.
We left on Monday and headed to Williamsburg, V.A., to stay a night. Due to traffic, we arrived a little behind schedule, but had a delicious dinner at a restaurant in the historic downtown called The Fat Canary. I had quail stuffed with cornbread with a side of cabbage, and Sam had seasoned pork chops with bread pudding. If you ever get the chance, you should eat there. We then checked in to our room for the evening. The next morning we grabbed breakfast, speedily perused the town, and browsed shops. We headed out around noon, stopped by Greensboro for dinner. Sam showed me his old stomping ground (which didn't appear like the stomping ground we are accustomed to, but a hood), which basically resulted in us almost getting capped. We then returned safely to the comfort of our home by 8 o'clock to enjoy the beautiful, full snow left by our recent adversary.
Much like the snow storm, once we were home-sweet-home, Christmas was right on our tails. We got back, had a day to finish up last minute shopping/ cooking, then it was Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Our tradition is spending time and exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve.

I know, I know, what about Santa as a child? I may have succumbed to that notion at an early age. My parents could maybe have came up with a story to fool me as to why Santa delivers our presents on Christmas Eve, but from an early age I don't remember playing that game. I have always really liked to wrap presents, and I have been very selective of clothing/gifts/miscellaneous other items, so many times I found myself wrapping all the Christmas presents. Anyways, this year we went over to my brother Scott's for Christmas. We usually have it at my parents, but my uncle who was living with them passed away and rightfully so, they were preoccupied the days before Christmas. To spare them the trouble, and share our holiday as usual, we had it at Scott's. We opened presents, ate a yummy dinner, and went to a candle light service in which my niece was participating.
Christmas day we shared our first Christmas morning as husband and wife and had a lovely time. We woke up around 7:30 which Sam says he spared me because he could have woken me up hours earlier. We leisurely opened gifts, had a breakfast of sausage/egg casserole and cinnamon rolls, then opened our stockings. I was very excited to participate in this tradition of opening presents on Christmas morning and having stockings.
Around lunch time we headed over to Sam's parents where we opened many wonderful gifts and had a tasty lunch. We also watched A Christmas Story which is on TBS for 24 hours, and Sam says he has watched every year since he can remember. As it was a year of firsts for me, this was the first time I had seen it. I thought it was a cute movie, and now I know where the racy leg lamp comes from.
Aside from the very irreplaceable and enjoyable time we spent with family, we received many exciting gifts. A few of our favorite things include the following: multiple cookbooks, a throwing tomahawk, yoga accessories, corn hole, a new vacuum cleaner, favorite movies (GI Joe, He's Just Not That In To You), other novels/non-fiction books, and basically everything. We can't emphasize how fortunate we are to have the wonderful family that we have. It was a great first holiday for us.
After Christmas we were feeling a bit overwhelmed and cluttered. Saturday morning we went and purchased a storage ottoman in which I can store my yoga stuff and a desk cabinet from World Market. I am extremely excited to have a desk space to call my own, and to have freed up so much space in our kitchen and living room. Needless to say, we have diligently been cleaning and organizing. I have put away the Christmas decorations and organized our upstairs storage closet by getting stuff in containers/boxes according to the holiday/season. I have also went through and organized the kitchen cabinets. Sam put together our new desk/cabinet and cleaned the porch off which was a task. We ordered numerous gifts off the Internet this year and have been swimming in cardboard boxes which we have unthinkingly threw onto our front porch. Not to mention we missed a week of trash/recycling pick up which hasn't been an aid to our abundance of Christmas trash. Today we took the Christmas tree down, so we are feeling much less cluttered. We are still working with the placement of things/furniture that works best for us. I am also very glad to have my yoga wall back complete with my new meditation cushion!
Speaking of yoga, I am getting ready to have my fourth yoga weekend. The studio I go to is also having a yoga challenge. If you do 30, 45, or 60 days of yoga, you get certain percentages off classes, a free shirt, as well as a few other perks. I am thinking about trying it out. You have to buy a series and do yoga everyday (except Saturdays) for however many days you enlist. I think it would be a good way to kick off the new year and a few unwanted holiday pounds.
Now for picture time!
Longwood Garden

Beautiful trees at Longwood Gardens

Sledding! Who's that Mountainy Looking Fellow?

Who's that little girl?

The kids.

A really awesome orchid or something that I think it looks like a frog in the middle.

Sam wishing he was working at his dream job as a Colonial re-enactor gardener.


Note that Sam is smiling, Kellie is frowning. What's that about?

Sam says "thumbs down" to the British.

Oh yeah, that's our "new" tub that we forgot to put a picture of in the last post.

Christmas morn.

Home Sweet Home...

...well, almost. On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Delilah in a wreath on the kitchen table.

Disclaimer: Sam picks the photos and is responsible for the captions/explanations.
We wish everyone a wonderful 2010. Here's to a decade! May your next decade be filled with love, family, friends, and laughs....and cats.
See you in oh ten.
I am glad you had a great first "Married" Christmas. It was nice seeing you both over the break and I look forward to the time that we meet again!